Lovely Fay Wray in publicity for the 1934 horror film BLACK MOON. The film centers on a young woman who returns to the tropical island (where her parents were murdered during a voodoo ritual) with her daughter and nanny. Once back on the island, she finds herself elevated by the locals to the stature of a voodoo goddess, and she begins her inevitable descent into madness. Black Moon was based on the novel by Clements Ripley which first appeared in Hearst's International-Cosmopolitan. Among the cast was Jack Holt, who was one of Columbia Pictures' most popular actors of the period and would continue to headline their pictures up until the early 1940s. The director, Roy William Neill had been directing films since 1916 and joined Columbia in 1930, where he directed the studios films “The Menace”, “The Ninth Guest” (1934) and “The Black Room” (1935).
Color enhanced image by Hollywood Pinups from the b&w original.